Metropolitan Life Insurance Company pamplet on the precautions surrounding the care of patients with communicable or contagious diseases.
Control of Communicable Diseases: Report of a Committee of the American Public Health Association, 1935.
A 1924 Hygiea article highlighting the etiology and methods of prevention related to diphtheria.
This document includes Mississippi Public Health Nursing reports including vaccination programs, nursing visits, and communicable disease outbreaks and monitoring.
A six page summary on syphilis in Mississippi in 1937. At the end of the document is states that it was presented/read by Dr. D. V.
Personal notes written by a nurse from the health department proposing benefits of a School Health Committee to teachers and members of PTA.
The Mississippi State Board of Health 1935 Rules and Regulations Governing Communicable Diseases, signed and sealed in 1936 by Felix J. Underwood, MD.
Three typewritten pages pertaining to the nursing care of patients with communicable diseases.
This is a (2 page) report from the Sunflower County Health Department's activities for January 1940.
This document is a report from Sunflower County Health Department including statistical material from March, 1940.
An eight page guide/pamphlet published on June 1, 1935 by A. I. C. P., 105 East 22nd St. New York, N. Y.